Bernice was born in the cold winter of 1993 as an antidote to the three-chord-post-punk-grunge rock that has characterized alternative music over past few years. Its first single "That Asshole Bob", recorded with SF cheese-rock band Vegas deMilo, turned out to be the same old crap that everyone else was playing (except it had some lyrics that made you go "tee-hee-hee"), and Bernice bowed its head in shame and failure. Despite this, the band received finalist honors in Musician Magazine's Best Unsigned Band contest. "That Asshole Bob" became a frequently requested hit on KITS Live 105 in San Francisco. Buoyed by commercial radio success, Bernice embarked on a world tour. After running out of gas in Oakland, the band walked home and watched M*A*S*H re-runs.

Now, after an 18 month recording hiatus, Bernice is back with a lean, mean five-song EP. "The Banach-Tarski Paradox", recorded at B-Side Studios in Sunnyvale, CA, is filled with all the things that didn't make Bernice famous. Mixing techo and trip hop with head-bangin', goat-sacrificin'TM rock, this EP is sure to give you a mental wedgy. It has already received rave reviews from lots of people that you don't know.
